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Tips for your recovery after a miscarriage


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The biggest thing you can do for recovery and healing after a miscarriage is SELF-CARE.

You are important, and your health in all aspects of your life matters!

You cannot take care of anyone else if you are not taking care of yourself.

I say this with lots of love.

During this season of life it’s important to take care of yourself, physically, emotionally, and spiritually!


Take care of yourself physically during this time.

What kind of miscarriage did you have? Did you have a natural miscarriage, was it a D&C?

I’ve had both, you can read about what to expect from a d&c after a miscarriage, HERE.

After a d&c I rested for about 2-3 days. When I had my natural miscarriage I literally went to the movie theater with my husband a few hours after I passed our baby and my bleeding slowed down.

I would NOT suggest that as a distraction method!


Whether you had natural miscarriage, took a pill form, or had a d&c. Rest, girllll!

I personally continued to take my prenatal vitamins after my miscarriages.


12 Christian songs to help you through a miscarriage.

Your first period after a miscarriage.

20 Things to do and ways to honor your baby.



Ok, so this is the tough part. You can usually numb out the physical pain associated with your miscarriage by taking strong pain medication.

BUT–the emotional pain of what you went through is something you can’t numb or distract yourself from as much as you’d like too.

And that’s ok, go ahead mama and feel it. Let yourself process what just happened. You have earned that much.

Fall apart if you need too, cry, scream, yell, listen to cathartic music.🎵

Unfortunately, as adults we have responsibilities. Ugh. I know.

Your responsibilities may include going to work, taking care of your other children, getting housework done,etc.

And as much as you want to just close your door and bury yourself in the bed, and never interact with society again, you can’t due to your various other responsibilities. Sigh. I know.

BUT what you can do is Block out an hour of your time (Orr however much time you feel you may need) to process and really feel what you are going through.

You can write in a journal, do some calming yoga poses, meditate, pray, listen to music, cry. Call someone you trust that you can express your feelings to, its okay to talk about your grief.

Do whatever your heart tells you too for that hour.

That’s not to say you can’t cry or be emotional at any other time of the day. You will be emotional.

Just make sure to set some time aside to REALLY process what you went through.

A miscarriage is traumatic and you deserve to have time to process it. HERE are 5 ways to help you grieve your pregnancy loss.


What I usually see when women have miscarriages is that they will either

1. Cling to their spirituality or 2. Go away from it.

Which one are you?

I typically hold fast to Jesus and his promises during these tough times more than anything. Even if I’m mad and confused I still believe He is good and I trust Him even when I don’t understand. I believe that one day, when there is no more pain and sorrow, I will see my babies.

But what do you believe? Are you clinging on to your faith or are you letting it crash and burn? How do you think it is affecting you?

This is the time to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

You are important and deserving of care during this fragile season of life. Be kind to yourself.

CLICK HERE for ‘Miscarriage Recovery Questions’ download🙂

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