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If you’re like me, you probably had a lot of things you wanted to accomplish by the end of 2023.

But, life happens we get side-tracked, distracted, or mommy burnout by the many responsibilities we have (take me back to my younger years!).

Having goals are a great idea, but as the year progress it can be hard to keep track of them all.

That’s why I’ve decided to put together this guide on how to crush your goals in 2023—so that we can stay focused (once and for all) on what really matters most.

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This post may contain affiliate links. That means I make a small commission on items purchased through links in this post at no extra cost to you.

Determine your why

It’s important to know your why.

In order to stay motivated and inspired, it’s essential that you understand what drives you and what your goals are ultimately trying to accomplish.

If there’s no clear purpose behind your goal, then it can be easy for things to fall by the wayside when life gets busy.

Everyone has a reason for wanting to achieve their goals. It might be something like wanting to make more money, improve your health, or simply being happier in general.

Whatever your why is, it’s important to keep this in mind as you work towards achieving your goals.

For example:

  • “I want declutter my house, so that I can spend more time with my family”
  • ” I want to start a profitable side-hustle to make more money to get out of debt
  • “I want to learn how to cook, so that I am not spending all my money on eating out”.

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Theme your year

For many people, the New Year is a time for reflection and setting goals. But if you’re like me, you’ll start to feel overwhelmed after your first few weeks of January and then get stuck in a rut of not achieving anything.

The solution? Theme your year.

A theme is simply the overarching goal or mission that will guide all other goals for the upcoming year. It can be anything from “spend more time with family” to “get out of debt,” but it should be something that’s meaningful enough to motivate you each day forward toward achievement of those other goals—particularly when they may seem daunting or impossible at times (and they probably will).

Write down your goals

In order to achieve your goals, you need to write them down. It’s not enough just to know what you want—you need to put it in writing in order for it to become real.

Wanna know a great goal setting template to follow? Use SMART goals!

What the heck does that even mean?

It means, your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable and Relevant (to help inspire you), and Time-bound (so they don’t slip through the cracks).

Writing down your goal(s) will allow them to serve as a constant reminder of what is important on any given day.

Make your goals SMART

For example: “I want to become a better writer” is not as effective of a goal as: “I will write one article per week this year.”

The second goal is more likely to lead to results because it’s specific (the articles are specifically what you’re going to do) and time-bound (you have set yourself an end date).

Setting up your goals like this can help you make sure they’re realistic so that you don’t get discouraged along the way.

Use a habit tracker

A habit tracker is simply a list of all the things you want to do on a daily basis, and how often.

For example:

  • Monday: Meditation for 30 minutes
  • Tuesday: Yoga class at 6pm

This kind of routine can help make it easier for you to achieve your goals because it gives structure into your days and helps prevent procrastination (If you are like me, ha).

Get support for your goals

In order to successfully achieve your goals, it’s important that you have support.

You can do this by:

  • Finding a support group- online or in-person
  • Finding a mentor
  • Finding a community (online or in person)
  • Hiring a coach or therapist
  • Having close friends who are supportive

Find a way to track your progress

There are so many ways you can track your goal progress these days.

Think about how you learn best and what methods have helped you stay on track in the past.

The first step is figuring out if are a pen and paper kind of mom, or do have everything scheduled and tracked digitally?

Personally, I am a pen and paper type of person.

I need it to be tangible.

Pen and paper goal tracking ideas:

For the old fashioned-need-to-touch the calendar type of people out there…

Using items like the ones listed below would be the most beneficial:

I am a visual and kinesthetic learner and I need to be able to see it often and touch (write) my goals and plans.

Digital goal trackers:

For those of you “with-it” mamas, digital goal trackers and scheduling systems will look a bit different.

Items that would be helpful for you:

  • Digital goal trackers
  • Spreadsheets that are kept on file or in google drive.
  • There MANY apps that you can download on your phone.
  • Usee the “notes” app on your iphone to create goals

Celebrate small wins

  • Don’t wait to celebrate at the end of your goal.
  • Set little rewards as you inch closer to your goal. This way, if you are like me and get distracted in the process it can help you stay motivated to push through.

Be kind to yourself along the way!

A lot of people find that setting goals and working towards them can become an obsession, because they don’t allow themselves any time for failure or mistakes.

But if you’re only focused on getting it right, then you’ll never be able to enjoy the process.

Be kind to yourself! You’re not perfect—and that’s okay!

You might also find it helpful to remind yourself that other people are just as human as you are, so don’t compare yourself with them—and don’t compare your present self with how you were in past years or even weeks! Remembering this will help keep things in perspective when things get tough.

Even if you’re already a few months into the year, it’s never too late to crush your goals.

If you’re already a few months into the year (for my lovely, mamas reading this in the future), it’s never too late to crush your goals. Making them a reality will take hard work, but it’s worth the effort.

Here are some tips to help you succeed in 2023:

  • Don’t give up. Even if things get tough and you feel like giving up on your goals entirely, don’t. Remember that as long as there is breath in your body, there is still hope for accomplishing what you set out to do this year.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes we think that asking for help is a sign of weakness when really it shows strength and courage—the ability to recognize when we need someone else’s expertise or experience in order to achieve our own personal goals and ambitions!
  • Don’t let setbacks get you down!

Crushing your goals is an exciting journey, remember: it doesn’t matter how far along or behind you are, because all this advice applies equally well to anyone who wants to crush their goals in 2023.


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