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It's hard to be overly excited when you have experienced a miscarriage. But, let me help you overcome fear and get JOYFUL about your rainbow baby pregnancy!

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“You’re pregnant, congratulations!” Everyone joyfully exclaims, they are all aware this is your rainbow baby 🌈. They are all happy and excited for this new adventure you are on.

But you’re not quite there yet.

Yes, you are grateful that you are pregnant again.

This is what you wanted

But you can’t seem to get excited and happy about it yet, because the last time you did…. it ended with heartbreak.

It feels as though everyone is way more excited than you are.

You may feel guilty that you are not excited about this pregnancy.

But let me stop you right there, mama!


Going through a miscarriage can change your delicate view of pregnancy.

I know it did for me!

I was so jealous of my friends who had never endured the pain of pregnancy loss.

They NEVER had to sit in a doctors office while the doctor whispered, “…I’m sorry”

Or the friend who NEVER had to make the hard decision of waiting for labor to begin or to induce it.

The friend who NEVER had to go to a funeral home and bring their teeny baby ashes home.

I would NEVER wish it upon anyone!

But, here they were, blissfully unaware of the physical and emotional pain I had gone through…

And continue to go through despite this miracle that had grown from within me.

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I so deeply wanted to live in the bliss of not knowing what a pregnancy loss felt like.

I didn’t want to just be happy during my future pregnancies, but I wanted to be joyful!

To me happy is fleeting, that emotion comes and goes like the wind.

You can be happy one minute, then mad the next.

But joyful is a deep, unshakable, from within feeling that no matter what, you will have joy!

Action steps:

1. Pray and ask God to help you with your thoughts. Ask Him to help you overcome the fear that you feel, ask him to fill you with overwhelming joy!

2. Speak words of life into your everyday. “Today I am filled with joy that my baby is safe within me”.

“Every moment that I carry my baby is a blessing”.

3.Find joy in all the small things, rejoice in them, find the good in everyday that you carry your rainbow baby. Did you feel baby kick? Take a deep breath and soak it in. Savor the moments.

4. One thing that may give you instant peace in your pregnancy is a fetal doppler monitor that you can use during your pregnancy to hear your baby’s heartbeat . But use with caution because it may be hard to find your baby’s heartbeat and thus causing more stress.

The more you practice these steps the easier it will become till eventually it be aimed second nature.

“Do not let your past pains dictate your current joy!”

I didn’t want to look back at my rainbow baby’s pregnancy and remember feeling fear.

I took these small everyday steps and it really helped me to enjoy my pregnancy with my rainbow baby.

I hope that you too will find the joy and excitement in your pregnancy:)

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