Creating a faith family vision board is a fun way for you and your family to dream about what you want to accomplish. And with the New Year right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start planning for 2023.
The board can include goals related to both faith and life, such as attending church more often or spending more time together as a family.
You’ll need some supplies, like magazines or newspaper clippings, scissors, glue stick, tape and any other items that might be useful.
I recommend starting by sitting down with your spouse and asking them this question: “What are our goals as a family?” Then guide them through the rest of this tutorial!
Add kids to the mix or have them create their own faith vision board.

Pray about your vision board
Pray about your vision board. When you’re deciding on what to put on your faith family vision board, it’s important to pray about it.
Pray about what you want to do with your life and how you can help others reach their goals.
Ask God to help you set goals that are specific and realistic.
Then, when you have your vision board ready, pray over it and ask for His guidance.
Step 1: Start with a question: What are my goals and priorities as a family?
Before you start creating your vision board, ask yourself these questions:
- What are my goals and priorities as a family?
- How does my faith inform those goals and priorities?
- Who is doing what in the family and how can I help them get there?
- What are some key words or phrases that describe our home life, such as being loving, joyful or generous with one another (themes)?
- Try using SMART goals to achieve your goals.
Step 2: Use scripture to center your family theme
Use your theme words to search the Bible and find scriptures that support your family vision. For example: If our theme is “joyful,” we might look for passages that talk about being joyful or having fun together (e.g., Psalm 133:1). If our theme is “generous with one another,” we might look for passages about giving generously to others (e.g., Acts 20:35).
Step 3: Write down your family vision
Once you have some scriptures, write down your family vision with the themes and key words that you’ve come up with.
For example: We are a joyful and generous family who loves one another and lives for Christ.
Step 5: What can I add on the vision board?
You can add anything that will help you feel more connected to your family.
- You could consider adding photos of your family or friends, quotes.
- Sayings that represent your home life.
- A small piece of art that inspires you.
- You could also put photos of the things you want to accomplish as a family over the next year, such as going on vacation or learning how to cook healthy meals together.
Then write down some scripture that will help guide you in your goal-setting process.
You could also create a vision board that is specific to each member of your family. This way, everyone will have an opportunity to add something they think is important or inspiring to their own lives.
Step 4: Open discussion goals and what your family thinks is most important to do this year.
The best way to get the most out of your faith family vision board is to have open discussions about what you aspire to do with your life and what you think is most important about it.
You want everyone in your family to be on the same page when it comes to these topics, so make sure that you talk openly with each other.
A vision board is an excellent way for a whole family to learn to dream together about what’s important to them. The more you can create a shared vision, the better it will be for your family.
Share your goals as a family and talk about how you can work together to accomplish them.
When you’re creating a family vision board, it’s important that everyone in your family shares their goals and agrees on how they will work together to achieve them. It’s also essential that everyone is open to one another’s ideas, even if those ideas differ from their own.
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Look at your vision boards regularly, such as once a month. Reflect on the goals you set out and remind yourselves of the important things in life.
When you have finished your vision boards, it is important to review them regularly.
Just like you would look at your goals on a daily basis and remind yourself of the important things in life, looking at your vision board regularly can help keep you focused on what matters most.
You may even want to schedule regular check-ins with family members who helped create the vision board (e.g., once every two weeks).
Also be sure to review it with new family members as they enter into your faith family, so they can get an idea of what makes it unique and special before they meet everyone else!
Staying connected
If you’re looking for a way to help your family stay connected and work together towards common goals, then a vision board may be just what you need. They’re an excellent tool for families who want to share their dreams and visions together, and they can also be used as reminders of what’s important in life.