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In the last 6 years I have gained a total of 50 lbs since having kids.
Some months I’d lose 10lbs and then I would gain 15lbs.

I’ve tried different programs and I’ve tried meal planning, I’ve tried being accountable to different people that are following the same lifestyle change, but it never lasted very long.

I didn’t know what to do or why I wasn’t losing pounds/inches.

How I lost 25 lbs with intermittent fasting while breastfeeding

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I knew that nutrition and fitness were a factor to lose weight… but where do I start? What do I eat? Do I have to count calories? Do I cut all carbs? Should I do cardio or lift weights? Should I get a gym membership? How do I even use any of the equipment in the gym?!

I had a million questions.

I was lost and confused!

And then I saw pictures of weight loss transformations on Instagram. And so many of them talked about “intermittent fasting”.

What was this magic?

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    What is intermittent fasting?

    Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of fasting and eating. Below, I listed a few of the popular fasting times I’ve seen and done.

    Popular fasting times include:

    • Beginner: 16/8- fasting for 14-16 hours and have an 8 hour window for eating.
    • Intermediate- 18/6- Fast for 18 hours have a 6 hour window for eating.
    • Advanced- 20/4- fast for 20 hours and have a 4 hour window for eating.
    • Advanced- 5:2- Eat normal for 5 days (no fasting) and for 2 NON- consecutive days eat only 500 calories.
    • Advanced- “Alternate day” fast- day 1 eat regularly, day 2 fast for 24 hrs, day 3 eat regularly, day 4 fast for 24 hrs, etc.
    • Advanced- Warrior Diet- fast for 20 hrs, 4 hr eating window. You may eat small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables in your fasting state.

    The doctor seal of approval

    I am not a health or fitness expert this is simply my weight loss story using intermittent fasting. Always ask your doctor before beginning any diet or change.

    I started with the 16/8 fast in August 2019. Before beginning, I asked my doctor and the nurse practitioner what their thoughts were since I am still breastfeeding.

    Not only are they my trusted doctors but, they are both huge fitness enthusiasts!

    I told them my plan and what I would eat, and even though I’m breastfeeding, I was given the ok!

    2022 Update. I had my third baby ( original post was written after I had my second baby. My new doctor also approves of my fasting schedule at 3 months postpartum. She said that all I need to worry about is my water intake and making sure I am eating nutritious foods during my eating window).

    Breastfeeding tips

    The biggest concern my doctors brought up with intermittent fasting is the potential to lose my milk supply. My son was 7 months old when I started intermittent fasting.

    So, I was encouraged to drink LOTS of water, and to eat nutritious foods during my eating windows.
    I went on the hunt for a good protein powder, but do you know how many are breastfeeding friendly?? Like zero!

    Well, actually two, one called Boobie Body

    And another one called: Milk Dust.

    I thoroughly looked into both of them and decided to go with Milk Dust.

    And it is incredible! My supply didn’t run dry and I am still breastfedding and my son is almost 2 years old now.

    Its formulated specifically for breastfeeding mothers! #MomWin

    Creating realistic goals

    I started in August with a goal to lose 20 lbs by mid September. My husband and I had a special ball to attend and I so badly wanted to fit in a nice dress.

    Mid September came and I had only lost 10lbs.

    I was bummed.

    My plan to lose 20lbs in 1.5 months was not a very realistic goal haha.

    How I lost 25 lbs with intermittent fasting while breastfeeding
    July of 2019

    How fasting makes me feel

    I’ve noticed that my bloating belly and sensation has disappeared since beginning my fasts.
    I eat the same food, I still eat my carbs.

    I am just more mindful, and eat smaller portions.

    I have noticed that I don’t crave sweets like I use too. And when I do, I have more self-control and can limit myself.

    Even when I splurge and have pizza one day or two days in a row, I don’t get that sick bloating, “I over ate” feeling.

    My husband recently started fasting with me (he’s doing the 20/4 )and he brought this to my attention. That even though we had pizza twice this week he didn’t feel that gross bloating feeling he use to feel after eating a big meal.

    Why it worked for me

    Before I started intermittent fasting I wasn’t in tune with my body AT ALL.

    Through fasting, I realized that I am a hugeeee snacker. I snack all day without even realizing I’m doing it.

    Saying it aloud sounds silly, “You didn’t know you snacked all day long?”.

    But it’s the truth.

    Intermittent fasting has FORCED me to stop snacking, and has helped me regain some discipline and control.

    My meals

    I don’t do well on controlled meal plans. I don’t follow them.

    Even when I create “separate” meals for myself, I wouldn’t always eat them.
    I get bored with these healthy plan ahead meals.

    Intermittent fasting has given me a more growth mindset when it comes to food. Because after not eating for 16-20 hours, I know AND want to fuel my body with more nutritious foods.

    Yes, sometimes I splurge and don’t eat the healthiest, but I more often then not, will choose to eat the healthier option since I have a small window for eating.

    The results

    I have now lost over 25lbs, I’ve done workouts very sporadically the past year and even had one month where I was running daily, then I got bored of it after running 10 miles in one running session.

    Even though it’s been a year and I’ve only lost 25lbs, I have consistently seen the scale and my pant sizes go down. Nothing else has done that for me that I’ve tried

    Intermittent fasting has helped me mentally and physically, and I can see myself sustaining this for- forever. I really love it.

    How I lost 25 lbs with intermittent fasting while breastfeeding
    August 2020

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      Tips if you want to start intermittent fasting

      If you want to start intermittent fasting, first talk to your doctor to see if its right for you.

      After that, set REALISTIC goals.
      Don’t expect to lose 20 lbs in one month like I thought would.

      Start slow with a beginner fast like the 16/8.
      For example, you can start your fast after a big dinner at 6pm and then open your eating window at 10am.

      Try it for a week and see how you feel?
      Do you notice less bloating? Do you feel more in control?

      Leave a comment below and let me know if you have any experience with intermittent fasting or if you are going to try it.

      Also, feel free to follow “My 12 week journey- intermittent fasting” 🙂


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