As a child, do you remember the moment you would come home from trick-or-treating and dump out the whole bag just so you could see what you got? It was the most exciting moment, my favorite!
And now, I get to relive that experience watching my daughter look through her treats.
Do you know what my daughter picks out first? She picks out all the little random bouncy balls, stickers, gummy snacks, and pretzels. Basically all the non-candies.
Why kids actually do LOVE non-candy alternatives
I have a theory that because kids are inundated with some much candy on Halloween. Every kid grows up knowing Halloween is the “free” candy holiday.
Should you hand out candy for non-candy treats for Halloween?

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20 Non-candy treats for halloween:
1. Stickers
Lots of the Elementary and toddler trick or treaters will appreciate stickers in their baskets.
2. Mini Bubbles
Bubbles are always a great item to have for kids.
3. Stampers
Stampers can be used to make fun little cards, kids can stamp on their coloring pages, or my daughters favorite; right smack on her hand.
4. Finger Puppets
Finger puppets are a fun little toy for kids! It helps them use their imagination to create stories for their finger puppets. Yay, for pretend play!
5. Spider Rings
This is a fun spooky trick to put in any kids bag, i mean, is it really Halloween if there’s not at least one spider ring in your trick or treat bag?
Other posts you may enjoy:
- 12 Alternatives to trick or treating during Halloween
- 18 Fun and easy Halloween crafts for kids
- 11 Healthy alternatives to handing out candy on Halloween
6. A Healthy Treat
You can forgo all the toys and do a healthy treat like; fresh fruits (apples, bananas, cuties), organic gummy snacks, or individual bags of pretzels.
Are you intrigued? You can find more ideas on healthy food alternatives HERE.
7. Halloween Themed Tattoo
Temporary tattoos are fun items to toss in trick or treaters bags.
8. Beverages
All of that walking can sure make the kids tired! Help replenish their thirst with a beverage.
Place a cooler outside filled with ice and have mini water bottles or a healthy kids drink. We love honest juice because it has the least amount of sugar than most popular brands.
9. Mini Playdough
Oh, the bane of my existence. I am not a fan of playdough, but I know a lot of parents who don’t mind playdough.
I bought this playdough in the picture and it was a hit for Halloween 2 years ago.
10. Glow Sticks
Not only are glow sticks fun and can be used for pretend play, they can also be used on your child immediately. It’ll be fun watching your glow and the dark child go from house to home.
10. Bouncy Balls
Don’t hurt yourself trying to come up some fancy toy. A simple bouncy ball can still give a child a fun activities to do after all the candy is eaten.
11. Mini Crayons
Are you kids always losing crayons? Or is it just me and my kids?
These mini crayons would make a great addition for Halloween.
12. Mini Coloring Book
You can’t pass out mini crayons without mini coloring books (I mean, technically speaking you can)
Perfect size for your little artist.
13. Vampire Teeth
For the fun and prankster kiddo, vampire teeth will be a lot of fun.
14. Mini Notepads
Mini notepads are great for all ages, younger kids like mini notepads, because they are small a cute.
Mini notepads are great for bigger kids as well. They can use them to write a to do list or create their schedule
15. Slap Bracelets
I never liked slap bracelets growing up, But, my daughter, on the other hand thinks
Have you ever handed out a non-candy halloween treat? If so, let me know what it was in the comments below:)