Playdough is a great sensory item and fine motor item to have your your children.
But, how do you make playdough even more fun and most importantly, educational?
You can achieve this by using playdough mats.
Download and print these FREE Halloween inspired playmats today.

Why you should use playdough mats
Even though playdough is already a fun-open ended toy, playdough mats can help spur even more creativity in children. You can find a variety of playdough mats for different seasons, holidays, or any other theme you can think of.
Using playdough mats will also help young children with their fine motor skills.
What is an open-ended toy?
In layman’s term, an open-ended toy is a toy that can be played in a multitude of ways and can have multiple purposes. These open-ended toys are not flashy and typically do not need any batteries. Think of it this way, If you gave 5 kids playdough, do you think they would all create the same thing? Probably not.
That’s what an open-ended toy does for a child. It helps them use their creativity and imagination.

Suggested items
If you don’t already own a small home laminator, then I highly recommend investing in one (they are a lot cheaper than you think) if you plan on downloading and printing educational items for your kids.
Laminating your childrens worksheets or printables will help them last for years to come. You can also bulk by your lamination sheets, Amazon has the cheapest I’ve seen from both online and in stores.

How to use the fall playdough mats:
1.Download and print playdough mats.
2. Laminate your sheets (I personally use this laminator and bulk by these sheets), if you don’t own a laminator, no worries, you can insert paper into a gallon ziplock bag, sheet protectors, or clear contact paper.
3. Grab some playdough and have some fun! We use this amazingly soft playdough recipe!