My traumatic, but successful VBAC story.

My traumatic, but successful VBAC story.

Sign up below to receive your FREE 30+ page planner, via instant download!Send me the guideI respect your privacy. TRIGGER WARNING: vacuum extraction and baby not breathing. Background In my first rainbow baby pregnancy, I felt as though I had done everything...
Fully-loaded vegan lentil soup

Fully-loaded vegan lentil soup

Vegan Fully loaded lentil soup Lentil soup is one of my absolute favorite dishes. I can eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. My husband jokes that I could eat this every day…which is probably true. ha. I just enjoy this meal so much! Do you have a meal you enjoy as...
Genetic testing after our miscarriage.

Genetic testing after our miscarriage.

Genetic testing after our miscarriage. It has been months since I wrote anything current or consistent on my blog. Finding out at my 15 week appointment that my baby’s heart stopped beating, and the days and the months afterwards have been the hardest season of...