Dear husband,
You work hard and make sacrifices to give us the life we want. You work hard for your country and your family.
You wake up every morning and put on those heavy boots dreaming of the day you will retire and spend the rest of your days doing what you want, when you want.

People say these are the best years of our lives and to enjoy every moment with your children while they’re young.
But, one thing you cant stop, is the feeling that you are missing out on the most pivotal moments of your children’s lives.
You work and can’t be there with them because duty calls.
But, do you want to know a secret?
Some of my fondest memories are with my dad.
No shade at my mom. She was and is a perfect mother in my eyes and she is the reason we named our daughter after her.
But, my dad. He’s special, just like you.
He’s a hard worker and ALWAYS made time for his family. Just like you.
After a long day of work my dad would come home to play with us or help with homework.
I remember him helping me with my science fair project, it won me 2nd place. I remember all the times we would play ‘GI Joes’, I remember the times he put shaving cream all over the table to help us learn the alphabets.
Now this wasn’t an everyday thing, because some days, he was tired, his boots were heavy just like yours.
But he always made time for us.
Just like you do with our kids.
I love watching you in the mornings spend a few minutes of your precious time with each kid. You even spend time cuddling with the dogs.
Time is all children want. They want your undivided attention. They want to know you are listening to them. They want to feel loved. –And the best way to do that is to spend quality time with them.

Quality time isn’t a set number of minutes a day, it’s simply the undivided-active- and -focused attention you give them.
If you ever feel envious of your wife who stays home. Please remember that it’s not a competition, it’s team -work.
Even if you are working and away from the kids…
One day, our kids will look back at their fondest memories–and they’ll remember all the time you spent– giving your complete and undivided– attention to them.
I wrote this post because as Father’s Day approaches, I was thinking of my own dad. Even though he was in the Army and went on deployments. I still have the greatest memories of him spending quality time with me and my brother.
Although, this post was inspired by Father’s Day, this post 100% applicable to anyone who has to be away from their kids, mothers and fathers alike! Working long hours away, working for days at a time, or year long deployments.
Parents, you are seen! And one day, your kids will look back and be appreciative of everything you have done for them.
Do you have a special memory of quality time you spent with your parents? I’d love to hear it. Leave a comment below:)